What song are you listening to? - AMORE STORIES -ENGLISH
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What song are you listening to?

Columnist | Introducing the columns written by member of Amorepacific Group

A time for myself, a ritual trend column
Part 5. What song are you listening to?
Columnist | Park Sehee
eSpoir MC Team

How do you bring the year to a close? Every December, I wrap up the 12 months through the ‘year-end settlement’ practices on social media. I begin by reviewing my year and making mental notes of the moments that made the year special, as I browse through my social media posts and stories, and the photos. Then, I organize and upload them according to different categories, such as #achievements, #spending, #goodbuy, #overindulgence, #travel, #short-lived resolutions, or #wordoftheday. This process is quite time-consuming, but nonetheless meaningful and worthwhile. It helps me look back on the hectic days that have made my year invaluable.

The settlement has become my regular end-of-the-year routine. This year, I decided to add a ‘my playlist’ ritual to the list as a special way to bring the year to a close. I listen to music 365 days a year, whether I’m on my way to work, staying in, or hanging out with my friends. So I wanted to reflect on the songs I listen to in a more meaningful way. How I do this is simple: you listen to a song either at the start or the end of a day, and jot down some thoughts. I could also leave comments on other members’ writings, just as with other rituals I participated in. On the first day of the ritual, I opened the music streaming app, as I deliberated which tune to play.

Parts of my playlist @angiethinks_

First, I looked through all the songs I had played recently, and let me tell you, the genres of music I listen to are quite extensive. K-pop hits line up some parts of my playlist, followed by musical theater numbers, and, of course, Christmas carols around this time of the year. I opt for jazz and classical music on chilly days, and sometimes I listen to nostalgic J-pop videos from YouTube recommendations. This literal melting pot that is my playlist is actually quite coherent from my point of view. All the songs in it have their own stories. I figured that it would be fun to talk about them briefly through a playlist-diary ritual.

I began by categorizing the songs I listen to frequently into three groups.

1. My daily energy drink
In the mornings, I usually listen to K-pop. I imagine myself dancing to songs by IVE or New Jeans, or I get an energy boost to help me get through the day by listening to BTS. The fast beats and catchy lyrics wake me up as I power walk down the hallway to the office. When I’m going home at the end of the day, on the other hand, I listen to more relaxing tunes. The jazz I listen to before going to bed relaxes my exhausted body and mind. Unknowingly, I have been regularly balancing my day with different kinds of music. Music has been the can of energy drink that helped me survive the day.

2. A chance finding
A lot of times, I choose which music to listen to. Sometimes though, a chance finding brings an unexpected delight to my day. Whenever I hear a lovely tune at cafes or stores, I look them up, and a select few end up in my playlist. Then, I listen to these newly discovered treasures over and over again until I have memorized the melody. I also read the lyrics and listen to other songs by the same artist. This entire process is quite entertaining and fulfilling. It’s like a small present that has been gifted to my otherwise monotonous life.

Hidden here and there in my playlist are songs that I’m yet to get to know fully. These are the chance findings that I have had the joy of discovering.

3. The lighting, the temperature, the humidity
Do you ever get that feeling where you can vividly recall the lighting, the temperature, and the humidity of the surroundings of when you first listened to a specific song? I listen to these songs on a regular basis, especially on special occasions or at a special point in time. ‘Do I Need A Reason’ by D’sound, which I listened to for the first time when I was studying abroad, has been my go-to song on flights. It makes me relive the excitement I felt as a student studying abroad in a new country surrounded by new friends.

‘Winter, Goodbye’ by Lee So-ra is my go-to song for the end of the year. Like a seasonal ritual, I add the song to my playlist when the wind I feel against my cheeks turns winter-like. I first listened to this song as a teenage girl, and it still touches my heart 20 years later. As the lyrics go, it’s the perfect song to listen to on a snowy day.

I enjoyed organizing the songs in my playlist into these categories. Sometimes, I divided them up according to their genre or mood, and sometimes according to my own set of standards. I wrote the daily ‘playlist diary’ based on my personal stories behind each of the songs. Plus, reflecting on what each of them means to me made my day richer, for some reason.

Are any of you familiar with the song ‘As You Wish’ by WJSN? This song is known to climb back up the music charts every New Year’s. With people believing that ‘what you listen to on the first day of the year decides your fate for the year,’ many choose this song as their new year’s tune, hoping their new year’s wish will come true.

What song are you planning on listening to on the first day of the year? As they say, “You are what you listen to.” May the holiday season be warmer and happier with a delightful playlist!



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