Discovering the value within seeds
A seed taking root in the soil, sprouting, growing leaves, blooming and bearing fruit. The whole process brings a great deal of accomplishment to plant growers. The starting point of all this process is the ‘seed’, and there are those who are paying attention to seeds, the foundation of plants.Hi, could you please introduce the Seedkeeper to us?
A brand and studio that designs plant experiences of new senses using seeds as the medium. This phrase catches my eye. What was it about seeds that seemed so intriguing to you?
The seed kits of Seedkeeper are mainly comprised of flowers and plants, especially those that we can see often in our daily lives. Does Seedkeeper have its own standard in deciding which seed kits to create?
Since when did you develop an interest in seeds and begin growing plants?
Did you notice any difference once you started to live a life closer to plants?
That’s change that only plant growers would be able to notice.
Nowadays people are showing a great deal of interest in plants, to the point where many visit places where they can be with plants. More people are into growing plants as well. Why do you think there’s such continuous interest and consumption regarding plants?
Yes, I used to search so intently to find a four-leaf clover, the symbol of good luck, between three-leaf clovers.
Provided photo: designed by Freepik
After the pandemic, it seems like many people have developed an interest in becoming ‘veranda farmers’ or ‘plant moms’. Do you have an anecdote where you could see that people have become more interested in plants and gardens?
There’s a lot of people who don’t even try growing a plant out of the fear that they’ll end up killing the plant. Can you give them some of your own tips on how to start?
You must have come across so many different plants up to now. Which plant do you want to be like the most?
Nowadays I often think that I want to be more relaxed, which is probably why basil comes to my mind right now. It sprouts quickly and doesn’t overgrow during early growth stages, which is why first-time plant growers can easily grow basils. It’s a kind plant, in a sense. And the scent is second to none. It lets out this fresh scent that is almost intoxicating even when you trim it just a little. It’s a very gentle, ample plant as it grows fresh leaves very well, and it’s easy to increase the number of basils by cutting the shoots on the stems. A basil may not catch your eye, but I wish to be like basil in that you don’t get tired of it even after a long time.Like
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