Eight FAQs on Health Functional Foods - AMORE STORIES -ENGLISH
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Eight FAQs on Health Functional Foods

Columnist | Introducing the columns written by member of Amorepacific Group

Eating Well to Live Well, a Wellness Column
Part 4. Eight FAQs on Health Functional Foods
Columnist | Park Jeongwon
Amorepacific Healthcare GTM Team


Many of you are probably interested in or are taking health functional foods, as they seem to have become a part of our dietary life recently. Health functional foods are similar in appearance and functionality to medications, but are they as effective? How should you take them? Well, here are 8 frequently asked questions about health functional foods to make your intake more effective.

1. What time during the day should I take health functional foods?

It is better to take energizing nutritional supplements, such as vitamin B or multivitamins, after breakfast rather than after dinner. You will usually feel your condition start to improve within 3 minutes of taking the supplements. Feeling sleepy and tired after lunch? Vitamin B health functional foods may be your solution to shooing away that drowsiness. As for nerve-stabilizing supplements, such as calcium or magnesium, it’s better to take them after dinner. If you frequently forget to take them after dinner though or often have plans in the evening, it’s also fine to take them with other nutritional supplements after breakfast.

2. Can I break or grind the tablets if they are too big to swallow?

In many cases, health functional food formulations are designed to melt at a specific point or are specially treated so that they are absorbed slowly for optimal digestion and absorption. Breaking the formulation or grinding it into powder will not interfere with the entire functionality, but it could lead to discomfort due to heartburn or a decrease in the absorption rate. Breaking the formulation or grinding it into powder will not interfere with the entire functionality, but it could lead to discomfort due to heartburn or a decrease in the absorption rate.

3. How should I take health functional foods if they cause stomach discomfort?

There are some health functional foods that can cause discomfort in the stomach, such as calcium. Calcium citrate, milk calcium, and coral calcium are better alternatives to calcium carbonate when choosing supplements that contain calcium. As vitamin C can also cause heartburn, it is recommended that you opt for a vitamin C formulation with neutral acidity. Other supplements may also cause discomfort depending on the sensitivity of your digestive condition. A rule of thumb is to take supplements immediately after a meal and avoiding taking them on an empty stomach as much as possible, with the exception of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and iron supplements. Try taking supplements with a cup of slightly warm water as cold water may irritate the esophagus and the stomach wall and cause mild spasms.

4. Can a continuous intake of health functional foods damage my liver function?

Products that have been officially registered in the Ministry of Food and Drugs Safety and that properly list their ingredients and contents on the package should not cause damage to the function of the liver. On the other hand, long-term intake of highly concentrated vegetable drinks that are high in alkaloids, such as wild grasses, water parsley, and kale, should be done with caution as it can place a strain on the liver.

5. Will taking health functional foods frequently make me put on weight?

A huge misconception is that the intake of health functional foods might increase the appetite and lead to weight gain. On the contrary, effectively losing body fat requires the help of various nutrients, such as vitamin B and calcium. In fact, vitamins and minerals act as lubricants for the metabolic processes that burn fat in the body. A lack of these nutrients can lead to more cravings for sweet and oily foods, which can in turn become the cause of the yo-yo effect.

Not only that, vitamins and minerals can help you exercise longer and lose weight more effectively because they help you use your body in a more efficient way. Proper intake of health functional foods, including vitamins and minerals, will facilitate and accelerate your weight management routine.

6. Can I take them on a long-term basis since health functional foods are not medications?

Many wonder if it is necessary to take a break from taking supplements to prevent tolerance from developing. Tolerance refers to the loss of effectiveness of drugs, such as antibiotics, due to indiscriminate use. However, this does not apply to health functional foods, which are not antibiotics. Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that we must consume in the form of food every day since our body cannot produce them itself. When it comes to health functional foods, continuous, long-term intake is safe as long as you take them within the recommended amount that is prescribed to assure stability and functionality, and always follow the precautions and instructions written on the products.

7. Can I take supplements with fruit juice or tea, instead of water?

As with other medications, it is best to take health functional foods with water. For those of you who are sensitive to the flavor of certain supplements, it is okay to take them with milk, yogurt, or fruit juice. However, in the case of lactic acid bacteria supplements, taking them with fruit juice is not recommended, because of their low tolerance to acidity. Similarly, tannin content in green tea or black tea can interfere with the absorption of minerals. Therefore, it is best to take them with water.

8. Which is better for absorption? One or multiple portions?

If you want to keep your blood concentration constant, taking supplements in small portions is better than taking them in large portions. This is especially the case if you need to maintain your physical condition or are taking multivitamins or vitamin B supplements due to fatigue. However, if it is too much of a hassle to break the intake into two or more portions or if you are forgetful, taking them all at once should not be a problem. Just remember that with calcium, 250mg is the recommended dose as a large intake could decrease its absorption rate.

Health functional foods should be taken in the proper amounts according to your fitness level, eating habits, and lifestyle. Most of all, avoid taking them indiscriminately just because everyone else is taking them. Even the most effective health functional products are not equally effective for everyone.

Wishing everyone a healthy and sound year end with the right choice of supplements!


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